Faust, I wish to have a look at the Guild's assassination records. |
中文意思: 「我想过目一下组织的暗杀纪录。」 |
Faust, As a doctor, it is my duty. Well then. I must be off.
「身为一个医生,这是我的职责。那麽,失陪了。」 |
Faust, Excuse me, miss. Where do you plan on going with that smell of blood upon you?
「那边的小姐请止步,妳的双手沾满了血腥味,要上哪儿去呢?」 |
Faust, I can't allow that. I won't take much of your time. Allow me to cure you.
「我不能放著不管,不会花你太多时间,让我给你治伤吧。」 |
Faust, I do this not as a doctor, but as a man. I cannot turn a blind eye to the spreading of suffering and death.
「我并非以医生的身分,而是以人类的身分行动的。太多的苦难我不能放著不管。」 |
Faust, I must stop you.
「我非得阻止妳不可。」 |
Faust, I wish to have a look at the Guild's assassination records.
「我想过目一下组织的暗杀纪录。」 |
Faust, It is my belief that prevention is more important than cure. I'm gonna do you a favor and cure that personality of yours.
「我总是相信『预防胜于治疗』,让我帮妳个忙,治治妳那扭曲的人格吧。」 |
Faust, Miss, are you alright?
「小姐,妳没事吧?」 |
Faust, No, I mean, don't you want to find your friend?
「那个...妳不是要找妳的朋友吗?」 |
Faust, Now that we've come this far, I won't let you die. Saving lives is what a doctor's job is all about!
「都已经到这种地步了,我不会让你死的。救人正是医生的职责啊!」 |
Faust, Oh, no! With symptoms like that, you must stay in bed!
「不妙!都已经有这种症状了,你得待在床上静养才行!」 |