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Why do the forces of the dark they cling to ascending humans so?

Why do the Devs insist on keeping the Improved Firestone talent? 问:为什么开发组仍然把强化火焰石这个渣留在天赋里?
Why do the aged tend to be taciturn? 很多老年人为什么沉默寡言?
Why do the birds go on singing? 小鸟为何依旧歌唱?
Why do the bosses keep ducks? 主人为什么要养鸭子?
Why do the classified methods and the standards of the class and stratum take place? 阶级与阶层的划分方式、标准又为何发生改变?
Why do the forces of the dark they cling to ascending humans so? 为什么黑暗势力会如此紧缠着人类的提升?
Why do the nations so furiously rage together, and why do the people imagine a vain thing? 外邦为什么争闹?万民为什么谋算虚妄的事?
Why do the people choose non-standard helmets? 为什么人们会选择非标准头盔?
Why do the people plant trees? 为什么人们要植树?
Why do the stars glow above? 星星为何依旧闪亮?
Why do the tracks of his chariots delay? 他的车轮为何行得慢呢?

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