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Yet, far more sinister events take place behind the scenes.

1 Yet, despite the long shadow that the septuagenarian casts over his country's politics, Mr Chirac's is not the only France. 已记 看解释
2 Yet, despite their brutality, they are the only true guardians of the Earth: mystics in a modern hell, warriors in an unseen battle. 已记 看解释
3 Yet, despite this joyful promise neither is able to suppress fully the anxieties about the moment when, after dinner, they must “reveal themselves fully to one another” on the narrow four-poster bed with pure white covers. 已记 看解释
4 Yet, during these best of times for seafood-lovers, gourmands still can't avoid feeling pangs of regret for a disappearing past. 已记 看解释
5 Yet, effective treatments for severe itching are limited. 已记 看解释
6 Yet, far more sinister events take place behind the scenes. 已记 看解释
7 Yet, few researchers have examined the combined role of a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet and exercise in weight loss and body composition. 已记 看解释
8 Yet, for all Mr Saakashvili's high-profile rambunctiousness, the most important country in the Caucasus is Azerbaijan. 已记 看解释
9 Yet, for all that, the Democrats consider the economy fertile ground too. 已记 看解释
10 Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustration and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. 已记 看解释
11 Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. 已记 看解释

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