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The fear of being discovered was his constant companion.

The fax and internet facility for each guest room at the administration floor. 行政楼层客房内配有可收发传真或上网的设备。
The fax machine that we hired/rented from you has broken down. 我们从你处租用的传真机坏了。
The fear and anxiety had left her face. 恐惧和忧虑已在她的脸消失了。
The fear is that if things spin out of control then people will start to be targeted. 令人担忧的是,如果事态的发展失去控制,那么人就会成为袭击目标。
The fear of Alzheimer's stems not so much from anticipated physical pain and suffering but rather from the inexorable loss of a lifetime of memories that make up a person's very identity. 人们对阿兹海默症的恐惧,不是因为预料将遭受肢体疼痛与苦难,而是惧怕它将无情摧毁每个人一生独特的记忆。
The fear of being discovered was his constant companion. 他总提心吊胆的,担心被人发现。
The fear of death carries over, quite understandably in view of the widespread confusion of symbols with things symbolized, into fear of the words having to do with death. 考虑到人们普遍辨别不清人们对死亡的恐惧扩散到对与死亡有关的词语的恐惧也是可以很可以理解的。
The fear of death obsessed her throughout her old age. 她晚年一直受著死亡恐惧的困扰.
The fear of death only comes from your clinging on to life. 死亡之可怕,只源于你对生命的执恋。
The fear of deflation, the central concern of the 1930s gave way during the war to a fear of inflation, particularly after prices rose 25% in the two years before Pearl Harbor. 对通货紧缩这个30年代所关注的主要问题的恐惧,在二次大战期间让位于对通货膨胀的恐惧,尤其在珍珠港事件之前两年,通货膨胀率上升了25%。
The fear of fear has been brought on by revelations of eavesdropping at Vodafone, the country s biggest mobile operator, say psychoanalysts reporting a boom in patients. 希腊心理学家日前指出,政府高官遭窃听导致了一种新的恐惧症在该国手机用户中蔓延。

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