Article 2 In carrying on transactions in the market, operators shall follow the principle of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility, and observe generally recognized business ethics. |
中文意思: 第二条经营者在市场交易中,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的原则,遵守公认的商业道德。 |
Article 2 Degrees shall be divided into three different levels (bachelor′s, master′s, and doctorate), and shall be conferred by public or government-accredited private universities or independent colleges (universities).
第2条学位分学士、硕士、博士三级,由公立或已立案之私立大学或独立学院(以下简称大学)授予。 |
Article 2 For purposes of this Law, environmental noisemeans the sound that is emitted in the course of industrial production, construction, transportation and social activities and that impairs the living environment of the neighbourhood.
第二条本法所称环境噪声,是指在工业生产、建筑施工、交通运输和社会生活中所产生的干扰周围生活环境的声音。 |
Article 2 Foreign insurance institutions hereof referred to in these rules are those insurance companies, reinsurance companies, insurance intermediaries, insurance associations, and other insurance organizations incorporated outside the territory of the
第二条本办法所称外国保险机构,是指在中国境外注册的保险公司、再保险公司、保险中介机构、保险协会及其它保险组织。 |
Article 2 Foreign trade as mentioned in this Law shall cover the import and export of goods, technologies and the international trade in services.
第二条本法所称对外贸易,是指货物进出口、技术进出口和国际服务贸易。 |
Article 2 If a state organ or a member of its personnel, when exercising functions and powers in violation of the law, infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and causes damages the aggrieved person
第二条国家机关和国家机关工作人员违法行使职权侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,受害人有依照本法取得国家赔偿的权利。 |
Article 2 In carrying on transactions in the market, operators shall follow the principle of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility, and observe generally recognized business ethics.
第二条经营者在市场交易中,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的原则,遵守公认的商业道德。 |
Article 2 In carrying on transactions m the market, operators shall follow the principle of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility, and observe generally recognized business ethics.
第二条经营者在市场交易中,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的原则,遵守公认的商业道德。 |
Article 2 In establishing a contractual joint venture, the Chinese and foreign parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, prescribe in their contractual joint venture contract such matters as the investment or conditions for cooperation
第二条中外合作者举办合作企业,应当依照本法的规定,在合作企业合同中约定投资或者合作条件、收益或者产品的分配、风险和亏损的分担、经营管理的方式和合作企业终止时财产的归属等事项。 |
Article 2 In the case of one or more sub-leasing transactions involving the same equipment, this Convention applies to each transaction which is a financial leasing transaction and is otherwise subject to this Convention as if the person from whom the fir
第二条在涉及同一设备的一次或多次转租赁交易的情况下,本公约适用于每笔是融资租赁交易因而本应受本公约管辖的交易,如同(前条第1款所规定的)向第一出租人提供设备的是供货人和据以取得设备的协议是供货协议那样。 |
Article 2 In this Regulation, computer software (hereinafter cited as the software) shall mean computer programs and their documentation.
第二条本条例所称计算机软件(以下简称软件),是指计算机程序及其有关文档。 |
Article 2 In this law environment, is it influence human survival and various kinds of a natural one that develop and artificial natural totality of factor that transform to refer to, including atmosphere, water, ocean , land , mineral deposit , forest ,
本法所称环境,是指影响人类生存和发展的各种天然的和经过人工改造的自然因素的总体,包括大气、水、海洋、土地、矿藏、森林、草原、野生生物、自然遗迹、人文遗迹、自然保护区、风景名胜区、城市和乡村等。 |