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B:Yes,one more thing I would like to point out ,that is ,timely delivery .You know our customers are in urgent need of the goods .If you fail to deliver the goods at the time stipulated in the contract ,they may turn elsewhere for substitution ,If that oc

B:Yes, we're all proud of her! 对,我们都为她骄傲!
B:Yes,They were both born in this country. 是的,他们都生在这个国家.
B:Yes,he is.Mr.wand has given some good advices which helped us buy this apartment at such a reasonable price. 是的,我非常同意.王先生给我们很多建议,如果没有他,我们也不能买到如此合理价格的住宅物业.
B:Yes,not too bad,thanks.I'm a bit fed up4 revising though.Are you? 还不错,谢谢。不过我对复习有点厌倦了。你呢?
B:Yes,of course.Would you like a jade ring? 当然可以。喜欢玉戒指吗?
B:Yes,one more thing I would like to point out ,that is ,timely delivery .You know our customers are in urgent need of the goods .If you fail to deliver the goods at the time stipulated in the contract ,they may turn elsewhere for substitution ,If that oc 是的,还有一点我想提出的就是按时交货,你知道我们的的客户急需这批货物,如果不能按照合同准时发货,他们就会另找地方,如果是那样的话,我们将无法随损失。
B:Yes,they work well together. 是的,他们在一起工作得很好.
B:Yes,what can I do for you, sir? 是的。我能为您做什么吗,先生?
B:Yes. Are there any marks on your luggage? 可以。行李上有何标记?
B:Yes. Everything goes well with us here except the training schedule. I wonder if it is possible to change the training time from evenings to mornings. In this case, it will be easier for our athletes to recover from jet lag and to become accustomed to t 能。一切都很顺利,但就是训练时间有点问题。不知是否有可能将训练时间从晚上调到上午。这样,更容易使我们的队员恢复时差,适应比赛时间。
B:Yes. I''ll give you an analgesic spray, and it should relieve the pain. Do you feel better? 能。我给你喷一点止痛剂,疼痛就会缓解。你感觉好点儿了吗?

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