The Advertiser may not demand the Newspaper to reduce the rates.
广告客户不可要求将广告费减扣。 |
The Advertising Association is a non-profit making organisation that is unique in representing the mutual interests of the diverse UK advertising industry.
英国广告协会是唯一代表英国广告各界共同利益的非营利性组织。 |
The Advisory Board is an international group of experts specializing in health sciences, technology, and philanthropy.
顾问团是由专攻保健科学技术和慈善事业的专家组成的一个国际性团队。 |
The Aerospace Technology Exposition included more than 100 exhibitors addressing cutting edge aerospace technology.
航天科技博览会包括了一百多个参展商以解决尖端的航天技术问题。 |
The Aesculus chinensis, Euptelea pleiospermum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Taxus chinensis, Picea brachytyla arid Emmenopterys henryi Oliv compose and stand structure of were studied, and the comparability matrix among those main woods distribution ere stud
经调查,基本摸清了国家保护植物七叶树林、领春木树林、连香树林、红豆杉树林、云杉树林、香果树林6种珍稀树种林分的组成与结构,研究了主要林分之间的相似性矩阵,同时提出了保护繁育对策,对开展研究和保护珍稀树种具有重要意义。 |
The AfDB approved $3.4 billion of loans last year.
去年,非洲开发银行批准了34亿美元贷款。 |
The AfDB's lending for infrastructure grew by almost a quarter last year; water, transport and power accounted for a third of its money.
去年,非洲发展银行用于基础设施建设的放贷几乎增加了25%;而其1/3的放贷则用于了水力,交通,和电力上。 |
The Afars are more numerous than often realised.
阿利法斯人数超过我们所知的范围。 |
The Afars say their real concerns are more prosaic: water, grazing and salt, which for centuries has been mined from the Danakil depression (in parts more than 300 metres below sea level) and taken up into Ethiopia's highlands by camel caravan.
阿法斯人说他们实际关注的只是民生问题:水,牧业和盐,这些物资几个世纪以来都是从达纳基尔低地(部分地区低于海平面300米)获得并用驼队运至埃塞俄比亚的高地。 |
The Affiliated School of Beijing –USA College of English is a full-time boarding school which has a basic stage education, approved by government, it lies in Area B of Beijing, Kong Gang, closed to Capital Airport, with the convenience of transportation.
北京圣苑·美语实验学校是经政府批准的基础教育阶段全日制、寄宿制学校,位于北京市空港开发区Β区毗邻首都机场,交通极为便利。 |
The Afghan Islamic press news agencies says the American military helicopters intervened unsuccessfully to try to protect him after Taliban fighters surrounded his hiding place south of Kabul.
据阿富汗伊斯兰通讯社说,在塔利班武装分子包围了他在喀布尔南部的隐居所后,美军的直升机曾试图干涉对其进行保护,但没有成功。 |