Be willing to accept the training of our company on the criterion and operation knowledge of management, direction and storefront fitment. |
中文意思: 愿意接受本公司对其经营、指导、店面装修的规范和业务知识的培训。 |
Be warned though, some styles will override your background with their own, so you will have to change it back.
即使被警告,有些主题样式还会以自身的设置去改写你的桌面背景,所以你得自己再改回来。 |
Be wary of song sharks when you go to Nashville.
你去纳什威尔时要小心专门诈骗歌手的人。 |
Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
2你要儆醒,坚固那剩下将要衰微的(衰微原文作死)。因我见你的行为,在我神面前,没有一样是完全的。 |
Be widely applied in medical and health care area, as well as toiletry field.
被广泛应用于医疗保健和化妆品行业。 |
Be widely used transfer paper, with a fresh and firmly color, suitable for all kinds of textile materials, just like: T-shirt, mountaineering cloth, sport dress, jeans wear and suitcase etc.
被广泛应用的转移烫画纸,色彩鲜艳、不褪色、牢固性强、适用于各色面料制品,如:休闲服装、登山服、牛仔服、运动套装,箱包等。 |
Be willing to accept the training of our company on the criterion and operation knowledge of management, direction and storefront fitment.
愿意接受本公司对其经营、指导、店面装修的规范和业务知识的培训。 |
Be willing to change your mind if you get different information.
愿意去吸收各种不同的资讯。 |
Be willing to learn and process, and have good analytical capability.
乐于不断进去,并且具有很好的分析能力。 |
Be willing to learn and progress, and have good analytical capability.
乐于不断学习进取,并具有很好的分析能力。 |
Be willing to listen, but don't be fooled.
乐于倾听,但是不要盲目相信。 |
Be willing to share the sorrows of others.
要乐于分担别人的悲痛。 |