The Salford-born tenor, who used to be a factory worker before he turned to singing, has sold more than four million albums worldwide.
这位塞拉佛特出生的男高音,在成为歌手前是一名工厂的技术员,他的唱片在全球已经销售了4百万张。 |
The Salt Lake City public library is sold on the idea.
这家盐湖城公共图书馆接受这个观点。 |
The Samaritan woman then said to Him, How is it that You, being a Jew, ask for a drink from me, who am a Samaritan woman?
9撒玛利亚妇人对祂说,你既是犹太人,怎么向我一个撒玛利亚妇人要水喝? |
The Sampler Info node provides the world space coordinates of the point being shaded within the sphere.
第一,在球上的被着色点需要去从世界坐标转换到相对于球体的物体空间坐标。 |
The Sampler Info node samples each point on the surface being shaded, if the Sampler Info node finds that the normal is facing the camera, it will output a value of 0 to the Condition node, but if the normal is not facing the camera then it will output a
采样信息节点对被着色表面的每一个点进行采样,如果采样信息节点找到面对摄像机时的法线,它将输出一个数值0到条件节点,但如果法线不面对摄像机时它将输出一个数值为1。 |
The Samurai attacks with great speed and ferocity, granting a significant bonus to hit. Highly skilled Samurai have a small chance to land a critical strike when using Lightning Strike.
武士的攻击迅猛如电,给予敌人猛烈的打击。高等级的武士在使用闪电攻击的时候有机会使出会心一击。 |
The Samurai cannot attempt any special move while weakened, although a successful parry instantly ends the weakness.
武士在削弱期间不能尝试任何特攻,直到一次成功的格挡终止这种削弱。 |
The Samurai is able to return damage used against them with the next successful block.
武士可以通过成功的格挡将伤害回赠对方。 |
The Samurai is emboldened as he or she blocks an opponent's strikes, gaining hit points and stamina each time, while the Samurai's hit point regeneration rate is greatly increased for short amount of time.
成功封挡敌人的攻击可以提升武士的勇气,并增加生命和精力,武士的生命回复速度将在短时间内大幅提高。 |
The Samurai live by a code of honor. Now they must also die for it. But they're not alone in their struggle against the forces that would forever change them.
武士以忠诚为生存信念,不惜为此而壮烈牺牲,面对时代改革所引申的权力斗争,他们可不是孤军作战。 |
The San Antonio Spurs defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers 103-92 Sunday, seizing a 2-0 lead in the best-of-seven series.
圣安东尼奥马刺队周日以一百零三比九十二击败克里夫兰骑士队,在七战四胜系列赛中取得二比零领先优势。 |