Peter: You're gonna kill him.
皮特:你想杀了他。 |
Peter:Not gonna catch me wearing a cape,zipping around with my underwear outside my pants.
不会因为我穿着斗篷就抓我吧,或是因为我把内裤穿到了裤子外面. |
Peter:Waiter,I'm in a hurry.Will the pancakes be long?
皮特:服务员,我赶时间.烙饼需要的时间长吗?(烙饼是长的吗)? |
Peter:Well, face the music. Your grades are not great.
还是面对现实吧,你的高考成绩并不是特棒。 |
Peters,E., 1994. Fractal Market Analysis: Applying Chaos Theory to Investment and Economics. New York: John Wiley &Sons.
杨一文、刘贵忠,等:《基于模糊神经网络和分形市场假说的股票市场多步预测》,《系统工程理论与实践》(待刊). |
Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.
是俄罗斯的当代英雄。 |
Petersburg has become a symbol of the country's feature and its renewal.
圣彼得堡已经成为这个国家的特色和复兴的一个标志。 |
Petersburg, Stravinsky was rooted in the nationalistic school that drew inspiration from Russia's beautifully expressive folk music.
他的父亲是一位歌剧歌手,在基辅和圣彼得堡表演,但在音乐方面最大的影响是来自于他的老师基姆斯基? |
Petersburg, dreamed of committing the perfect crime: With an ax he murdered an old widowed pawnbroker and her stepsister, and stole some jewelry from their flat.
他精心策划一起犯罪行为,用一把斧头砍死了一个经营典当生意的老寡妇及其隔山妹妹,并从她们的寓所里偷走了一些珠宝。 |
Peterson of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and Ue-Li Pen of the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics in Toronto.
这项计画是由北京中国科学院的武向平、美国匹兹堡卡内基美伦大学的彼得森以及加拿大理论天文物理研究所的彭威礼,于2003年所共同推动。 |
Peter:Get good a cupping!
做好杯测的工作! |