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This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway.

This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality. 这种张力使信仰这种独特的超越成为一种人的植根于现实的终极关怀。
This tent is different from that one. 这顶帐篷跟那顶不一样。
This term above is Normal school of Ho Chi Min city. 上面这个词就是「胡志明城市师範大学」。
This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway transport. 该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。
This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway transportation. 该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。
This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway. 该术语只能用于海运或内河运输。
This term is also used for the begi ing of an American football match. 在美国橄榄球联赛开赛时,也可以用这个短语。
This term is also used for the beginning of an American football match. 在美国橄榄球联赛开赛时,也可以用这个短语。
This term is used to denote conditions in which the myocardium functions poorly and the heart is large and dilated, but there is no specific histologic finding. 本例心肌功能下降以及心脏变大和扩张,但未见特征性的组织学改变。
This term is used to describe the relationship between the flavors of malt and hops in a beer. 有一个词汇用来表述大麦芽和蛇麻草这两种味道之间的关系,它叫什么?
This term is usually used to distinguish the computer on which the debugger is running from the embedded system that is being developed. 这处名词一般用来区别调试程序运行的计算机和被开发的嵌入式系统。

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