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After the meiosis of MMC, abundant calcium precipitates were accumulated in the cytoplasm of early microspores, and then in pollen wall, especially in the part of germ-pores.

After the meeting is over, we'll go to the park. 会议结束以后,我们要去公园。
After the meeting she should type the minutes up, and keep proper records of the business transacted and resolutions passed and also implement many of the decision reached at the meeting. 会后她还要把讨论的问题和通过的决议作出记录,把它打印出来,并把会上所作出的决定进行贯彻。
After the meeting the two prime ministers will sign a number of bilateral agreements – for cooperation in legal matters, health, reciprocal protection of investments, teaching of Chinese and Portuguese – and corporate agreements – memoranda of understandi 会谈后,两位总理还将签署一系列重要双边合作文件:司法、健康、投资互惠保护、汉语和葡语教育方面的合作协议,以及铸模、通信、科技方面的合作协议及谅解备忘录。
After the meeting, some of them went back to their offices. 散会后,有一些人回到他们的办公室.
After the meeting, we will all adjourn to the Rose Room of this hotel for a buffet dinner. 开完会后,我们将休会,到本饭店玫瑰厅的自助餐厅用晚餐。
After the meiosis of MMC, abundant calcium precipitates were accumulated in the cytoplasm of early microspores, and then in pollen wall, especially in the part of germ-pores. 在小孢子发育早期,花药药隔部位的绒毡层细胞质中钙颗粒也明显增加并特异性地分布在其内切向壁上。
After the merchant's ships were all lost at sea, he was in heavy debt. 那位商人的船在海上沉没后,他便负债累累。
After the mid-Ming period, at the county-level of the administration local magistrates could hire their own private retainers (muyou), but the muting (lit., retainer's hail) was not the name of the office where the muyou worked, but rather where the dians 摘要明中叶以后,县级机构中出现了县官私人聘请的幕友,而“幕厅”一类的名称却并非幕友的办公地点,当为典史帮助知县办理文案的场所。
After the mid-term exam, the students decided to go on an excursion to let off steam. 期中考试以后,学生们决定外出远足以放松一下紧张的情绪。
After the mid-tern of the Ming Dynasty, because of the unprecedently expansion in commodity economy, the benefit-oriented sense of value had been formed, especially among the common people, while the psychology of suddenly rich was typical one under the i 摘要明中叶以来,由于商品经济得到前所未有的发展,社会上形成了尚利好货的价值观,特别在市民阶层表现得更为突出,而暴富心理就是这种价值观影响下的一个较为典型的社会心理。
After the missile tests in July, the UN's Security Council agreed to slap sanctions on North Korea. 自朝鲜于7月份进行导弹试射之后,联合国安理会同意对朝鲜施以制裁。

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