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A market order or limit order to be executed just prior to the close of a trading session, or canceled if this is not possible. Also called on close.

A market in which prices are declining. 一个价格趋势正在下滑的市场。
A market in which prices are rising. 一个价格正在上涨的市场。
A market in which selling and buying can be accomplished with minimal price change. 能够在价格变动极小的情况下完成买卖交易的市场。
A market niche is an area of highly specialized demand. 缝隙市场是一个有着高度专业化需求的领域。
A market or exchange where business is transacted. 交易所做生意的市场或交易所
A market order or limit order to be executed just prior to the close of a trading session, or canceled if this is not possible. Also called on close. 是指在市场交易结束时,经纪人以尽可能的最优价格执行买卖证券的客户委托。
A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged. 非法或紧俏物资的销售点,或者非法换汇的地方。
A market regulator might pick up on underlying signals of an impending crash and take measures to maintain trading diversity and moderate changes. 某个市场管理员可能抓著了即将崩盘的潜在讯息,而进行对策,以维持交易的分散及适度的改变。
A market that goes up 200 per cent in less than 18 months, and trades on a price-to-earnings multiple of about 50 is not necessarily a bubble. 一个市场在不到18个月的时间里上涨了200%,并且平均市盈率达到约50倍,也并不一定存在泡沫。
A market that is topping or bottoming out does not spend much time at the extremes, so there will be little volume at these points. 市场不会在高点或低点盘旋很久,也就是在高点或低点瞬间的交易量不大。
A market theory based on number sequences suggesting market trends occur in predictable patterns. 埃略特波浪理论基于被认为是可预测波中的市场趋势的数字序列的理论。

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