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The central suspension beam is always in axis with the front pier.

The central rounded core of the lesion is seen after contrast enhancement to contain cystic elements. 增强后的影像可看到病变圆形中心包含囊状物质。
The central sculptural component evokes a Minimalist representation of the ruined skeleton of a church, referencing both the romantic iconography of painters such as Caspar David Friedrich and the imagery of a Black Metal album cover. 主要的雕塑组成唤起了已被破坏的教堂骨骼的最低纲领主义的表现,涉及画家们的浪漫主义人物画法,例如卡斯帕大卫佛莱里奇,也涉及了黑金属相册封面的肖像。
The central services of that broadcasting company to some extent feed off the regional stations. 那家广播公司中央台的业务在某种程度上是依靠地方台供应材料的。
The central services of the BBC to some extent feed off the regional stations. 在某种程度度上,BBC总部要从地方机构获取消息。
The central stick came out in three days, and the fan disintegrated before the week was out. 三天后,扇柄就掉了出来,一个星期没完,整把扇子就散架了。
The central suspension beam is always in axis with the front pier. 中间吊架总是在前墩柱中心线处。
The central task of this meeting is to elect a new leader. 这次会议的主要任务是选举新领导。
The central tenet of whig theory was the inevitability of progress. 美国自由党理论的核心原则是发展乃无可避免的。
The central theme of Kaluza-Klein theory remains: the physical laws that we see depend on the geometry of hidden extra dimensions. 卡鲁扎–克莱恩理论的中心思想仍保留著:我们可见的物理定律取决于隐藏的额外维度之几何特性。
The central theme of the debate is whether this will be our last nuclear power plant. 此一辩论的中心主题是,这到底是不是我们最后的一个核电厂。
The central treasury will incorporate the national natural science funds into the budget thereof. 中央财政将国家自然科学基金的经费列入预算。

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