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If there are too many doubting Thomases in our society, people will lose confidence with one another.

If there are serum storage, vaccine storage, reagent which should be refrigeration and vaccine storage, back-up power should be provide. 如存在血清存储、必须冷藏的试剂或是疫苗库,建议提供备用电源.
If there are some new requirement caused by new skill,new equiprement coming,new product,quality system upgrade and singularity ,ADD will give a inquiry every middle month. 2如因新技术或新设备的引进、新产品的导入、品质体系等的更新升级及一些异常等临时性培训需求,管理部将会在每月月中对各部门次月的临时性新增培训需求进行调查。
If there are special provisions in other laws or regulations concerning the employment of handicapped people, people of minority nationalities and soldiers quitting active service, those provisions shall apply. 残疾人、少数民族人员、退出现役的军人的就业,法律、法规有特别规定的,从其规定。
If there are symptoms, your doctor may order an x-ray of the chest or abdomen. 如果有症状,你的医生可命令进行X光胸部或腹部.
If there are time, I can dilate on the subject. 要是有时间,我可以详细谈谈这个问题的。
If there are too many doubting Thomases in our society, people will lose confidence with one another. (假如社会上有太多的怀疑主义者,那么人与人之间的信心就会丧失。)
If there are two or three singers to sing a song at the same time, their performance is called a duet or a trio. 如果有两个人或三个人同唱一首歌,我们称之为二重唱或三重唱。
If there are white ants in a large building, without cure, in no more than ten years, all the floorboards and wainscots will be completely eroded. 一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治,不到十年时间,里面的地板壁板,都会蛀蚀一空。
If there are words “pay to bearer” on the cheque, it is a bearer cheque. 如果支票上有“付来人”字样,该支票为来人支票。
If there aren't enough chairs to go around, I can bring some from the other room. 如果不够椅子足够分配,我可以去隔壁教室带些过来。
If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. 如果我们当中有人想解散这一联邦,或者想改变它的共和体制,那麽就让他们去吧,不用干扰他们,这样做就爲安全树立了标志,表明在一个理智能够自由地与之斗争的地方,错误的意见是可以容忍的。

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