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7 Irrigation: No untreated sewage water may be used for irrigation. Irrigation methods should take into consideration sustainability of the water sources and the quality of the water.

7 I haven't nothing to declare. 我没有要申报的东西。
7 If any suspension under Section 10.1 is caused by or arises out of any negligence, omission or default of the Development Manager, the suspension shall be without prejudice to the Owner's rights and remedies against the Development Manager. 7如果第10.1款中规定的暂停是由于开发管理人的任何疏忽、遗漏或违约造成或导致的,则该暂停不会影响业主对开发管理人所享有的权利或赔偿。
7 If the enemy is in range then so are you. 如敌人在射程内,你也是。
7 In cases of problem loans, a monthly follow-up cum review report is required to be submitted to the authority, within whose delegation the present outstanding plus the uncharged interest, if any, falls. 对于不良贷款,分行应每月向领导提交追踪调查报告及复查报告,正是在该领导的批准下当前贷款及利息(如有的话)都未能收回。
7 Inhale and slowly raise the head and bend backward as much as possible, bending the spine to the maximum. 第七式吸气,接着身体向前,腹部贴地,头向上抬起,胸部也慢慢态起,眼睛向上看,手肘伸直,双腿要并拢,脚背贴地,全身放松。
7 Irrigation: No untreated sewage water may be used for irrigation. Irrigation methods should take into consideration sustainability of the water sources and the quality of the water. 灌溉:任何没有经过处理的污水沟都不能用于灌溉。使用的灌溉方法要考虑到水资源的可持续性和水的质量。
7 Is the average and range of Solder Paste height measurements SPC controlled? 锡膏厚度测量的平均值和间距SPC是否受控?
7 Is your push away getting lazy. 七)是否把球推的有气无力?
7 It is unfortunately not the highest score for your cabal. But better luck next time! 7很不幸的,这不是你们阵营最高的得分。但是祝福你们队伍下次能有更好的表现!
7 It's not always warm in winter in Hong Kong. 在香港,冬天并不是一直暖和。
7 Items such as chewing tobacco; snuff and toothpicks are not allowed in plant. 在工厂嚼烟叶、鼻烟和牙签都是禁止项目。

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