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Let's hope they will refrain from hostile actions.

Let's hope that the morrow will bring better news. 让我们寄希望于明天会带来更好的消息。
Let's hope the Yanks do the right thing and finish the Rays off to make it a 3-1 series win. 让我们期盼洋基干点好事,把四连战用3胜1负赢得这系列赛,给鱼儿一个痛快了结。
Let's hope the gunmen will hold off for the duration of the cease-fire. 但愿持枪歹徒在停火期间能约束自己的行动。
Let's hope the sunny weather keeps up for Saturday's tennis match. 但愿星期六网球比赛时还是这样的好天气.
Let's hope the trade embargo is not extended to ideas as well as goods. 我们且希望,对古巴实施的贸易禁运,不会从商品延伸至思想观念上头。
Let's hope they will refrain from hostile actions. 希望他们不采取敌对行动。
Let's hope we will soon find a simple description for the big bang! 希望我们能很快找到对于大霹雳的简单描述!
Let's hurry and catch up with the group ahead. 我们快点,赶上前面的那一伙人。
Let's hurry and see the next spot. 我们赶快抓紧时间去看下一个景点吧。
Let's hurry up,or we may be late again. 我们快一点吧,否则的话,我们又要迟到了。
Let's hurry, or we'll be late. 咱们赶紧点,要不就迟到啦。

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