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But, given his youth and his consistency, it is just possible that Fabregas might supersede them all.

But, for the past month billboards, walls and fences across this land have been telling another story. 但是,在过去的几个月内,整个国家的广告牌、墙壁和围墙上都在讲述另一个故事。
But, from 2002, domestic companies, bankrolled by the state, moved into the mobile handset business and their cut-throat pricing destroyed profits for everybody. 但从2002年开始,在政府的资助下,中国国内公司进入手机业务领域,而它们具有高度竞争力的定价措施破坏了所有厂商的利润。
But, from the 15th minute, Real started dominate the game. 但是从第15分钟开始,皇马开始统治(这个词用的超爽~)这场比赛。
But, generally, the comparison that most people shows before healthy body constitution, is lazy , they admit that running and playing badminton may bring along plentiful energy and physical power. 但是,通常大部分人在健康体质面前,表现的比较懒惰,他们承认跑步和打羽毛球会带来充沛的精力和体力。
But, getting that information by, say, employing an advance scout with a cellular phone would cost more than the perceived benefit. 但是,比方说,通过雇佣一名带着移动电话的先遣侦察员去了解那种信息,其成本要高于所理解的效益。
But, given his youth and his consistency, it is just possible that Fabregas might supersede them all. 但是,在他发现的这些年轻人中,法布雷加斯最有可能超越这些人。
But, given the history of America's clandestine research, it's reasonable to assume that if the defense establishment could develop mind-control or long-distance ray weapons, it almost certainly would. 但是,根据美国秘密研究的历史,可以推断如果国防部能够发展大脑控制或远距离射线武器,他们肯定要如此做。
But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place? 但是,你是否想过,那名选择在停用铁轨上玩的小孩显然是做出了正确决定--在安全的地方玩?
But, having scored the goal that secured the Blues' place in the last eight, he is hoping to prove his worth. 但昨晚他攻入的第二粒进球拯救了蓝军,他希望借此提升自己的价值。
But, he acknowledged, that will require a revolution in outlook for that component of the Jewish community that has been tied together more by European ethnic roots than by its religious practices.The sea change contemplated by Zemel is in some ways analo 但他也承认,要实现这一点,需要一场观念上的革命,因为将犹太人凝聚在一起的更多的是欧洲民族渊源,而从某种角度看,泽梅尔所设想的巨变是美国从一个白人为主体的国家转向一个多种族、大融合的国家的缩影。
But, he believed that the most significant factor for the decline can be attributed to the developing perception that physicians may be accepting gifts and gratuities from industry at the very time that the cost of drugs is skyrocketing. 但是,他相信更重要的原因是人们越来越感觉到医生可能在当前药品成本飞涨的特别时期接受药厂的礼物和礼金。

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