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It is difficult to shoot a flying bird, especially a small bird flying high up in the sky.

It is difficult to predict his reaction because he is so moody. 他如此喜怒无常,所以很难预知其反应如何。
It is difficult to preserve one's self-respect in that job. 做那样的工作很难保持自尊.
It is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case. 这个案件中的动机与效果很难联系起来。
It is difficult to reserve shipping space on account of heavy congestion. 由于货运拥挤,很难订到舱位。
It is difficult to say. I suggest you get a check-up. 店员:不好说,我建议您去检查一下吧。
It is difficult to shoot a flying bird, especially a small bird flying high up in the sky. 要射中飞行中的小鸟,尤其是高空飞行的小鸟,非常困难。
It is difficult to simulate a velocity profile with the traditional least square method. 摘要传统的最小二乘法拟合流速剖面存在一定的困难。
It is difficult to stamp out all the crimes. 很难把所有的犯罪都消除掉。
It is difficult to step out of one's place in this hierarchy. 在这等级森严的社会中,想要跳出自己的阶层是不易的。
It is difficult to take pics when people don't know you are taking them,but we still took some nice ones. 偷拍别人可一点都不容易,不但要抓好角度,还要小心别被人发现了,街上的人又挺多的,所以.....不过我们还是拍到了好多不错的照片!
It is difficult to test the moving-load-induced dynamic vertical displacement of a floating bridge, because the vertical displacement of a floating bridge consists of the contributions from the structural deformation, the variations of the gaps between th 摘要通载浮桥的动态位移,由于其位移幅度相对于固定桥要大得多,而且其垂向位移是由结构变形、间隙变化以及吃水变化等多种因素引起,一般难以对其进行动态位移测试。

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