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Aigofly corporation. May I help you?

Aides to Tibetan Buddhism's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, say a delegation of his representatives is planning to travel to China on Friday. 流亡的西藏佛教精神领袖达赖喇嘛的助手说,达赖喇嘛的一个代表团计划星期五前往中国访问。
Aides to a radical Shiite Muslim cleric meet with a key Sunni group in Iraq to ease sectarian tensions amid a spree of violence that's killed hundreds. 回教什叶基本教义派与重要逊尼派团体在伊拉克举行会议,目的在于弭平上百人因宗教狂热而牺牲的纷争。
Aides to the Vice President said today that the Judicial Watch suit has no merit. 今天,副总统切尼的助手称,司法观察的诉讼是没有根据的。
Aids lower the body's resistance to infection. 爱滋病降低了身体对传染病的抵抗能力.
Aiglon College is a boarding school that offers an English curriculum leading to GCSEs and A-levels examinations. 瑞士的私立寄宿学校在国际上很有名望。这里的寄宿学校有些适合十至二十岁的学生;有些更提供一般基本入大学的预备课程。
Aigofly corporation. May I help you? 理想飞扬公司。我能帮助你吗?
Aijalon with its pasture lands, Gath-rimmon with its pasture lands; four cities. 书21:24亚雅仑和属城的郊野.迦特临门和属城的郊野.共四座城。
Aikido Shudojuku was officially set up in Beijing, China on 29 June 2006. 《合气道守道塾》已于2006年6月29日正式在中国北京市成立。
Aikido will cost me almost two years to overcome the lessons of beginer and gain black belt. 合气道将会花我近二年来经历段外的课程,而晋升到黑段.
Aileron servo pull rod should be vertical to the shaft of aileron basically. 副翼舵机拉杆应基本上垂直于副翼转动轴线。
Ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro has broken months of silence with an editorial in the state new aper criticizing U.S. policies. 患病的古巴总统卡斯特罗打破几个月来的沉默,在官方媒体发表社论,批评美国政策。

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