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Hence, Bluetooth technology is vigorously developed in recent years.

Hence we might turn towards the post-sceptical rationalismof so-called discourse ethics, as in Habermas and Apel. 因此,我们得转向哈贝马斯和阿佩尔的所谓商谈伦理学的后怀疑主义的理性主义。
Hence who can say to Him:”What are you doing?” 所以有谁能说:“你干什么”呢?
Hence you can fine tune these values by verifying that all shadow casting objects are visible. 因此,你可以通过精确地调节这些值使所有物体的阴影可见。
Hence you need some time management routines in the Timer sub-system. 因此在时间子系统里你必须实现一些时间管理功能的代码。
Hence, Be living to carry forward in the villager's sell-government process, have to strengthen the countryside primary level party organizition is in power the capability building, Perseveres in uphold against hour completely moves forward, Continuously 因此,在推进村民自治的过程中,必须加强农村基层党组织执政能力建设,坚持与时俱进,不断创新农村基层党组织的领导和执政方式;坚持执政为民,不断夯实农村基层党组织执政的群众基础;加快发展,切实增强农村基层党组织执政的经济基础;依法执政,坚持党的领导、村民当家作主和依法规范的有机统一。
Hence, Bluetooth technology is vigorously developed in recent years. 因此,蓝芽技术在近年蓬勃地发展。
Hence, Ganesha figures are most commonly seen with four hands which signify their divinity. 从而,甘尼萨通常地被看成是拥有四臂,象征着他们的神性。
Hence, God wants us to mourn over such a situation. 因此,神要我们为这样的局面哀恸。
Hence, I will make the heavens shake, And the earth will quake out of its place, At the overflowing wrath of Jehovah of hosts, In the day of His burning anger. 13为此,我万军之耶和华必在盛怒之中,在发烈怒的日子,使天震动,使地摇撼,离其本位。
Hence, I would recommend for those of our students who have not had the chance to attend their lessons, to enlist in the next course. 所以,我推荐我们的同学们,如果你们还没有这个机会上他们的课,应该去报名,参加下个短训班。
Hence, Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay at the time) and Teofilo Stevenson (a three-time gold medallist) could join names like Theagenes of Thassos and Cleitomachus of Thebes among the legends. 历年在此扬名的选手,如拳王穆罕默德·阿里(原名卡修斯-克莱)、3届金牌得主的古巴拳王史蒂文森等名将,都已成为传奇人物。

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