Using the data of gravity field parameter variations observed by GRACE, and mean sea level variations observed by satellite altimetry removed steric sea level changes calculated from the numerical ocean models, global ocean mass change is studied. |
中文意思: 利用GRACE卫星观测得到的重力场系数变化资料及重力卫星测高得到的海平面变化扣除由模式得到的热容海平面变化,研究了海水的质量变化。 |
Using the daily and monthly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1951 to 2000 and monthly precipitation of 160 stations in China in summer from 1951 to 2000, the climatic distribution of heat source are computed. the responses of the Asian monsoon circulation t
摘要利用1951-2000年NCEP/NCAR再分析逐日及月平均资料和我国160个测站1951-2000年月降水量资料,计算了夏季大气热源气候分布,分析了夏季孟加拉湾地区热源年际异常及亚洲季风环流系统的响应,以及夏季孟加拉湾地区热源与中国夏季降水的年际关系。 |
Using the daily maximum and mean air surface temperature data of 121 stations in the area of southern China for the period 1961-2004, the change characteristics of the maxi mum temperature in the area was analyzed.
摘要利用从全国743个站点数据集中挑选出的江南、华南地区的121个站点1961-2004年逐日日最高气温和日平均气温资料,分析了近40多年来我国南方地区最高气温的变化特征。 |
Using the data from the Fifth Population Census, this paper analyzes quantitatively the sex ratio of the same age, relative sex ratio and sex ratio of match from the population match perspective.
摘要本文利用五普数据,从人口数量匹配的角度,定量的分析和比较了同龄性别比,相对性别比和婚配性别比。 |
Using the data in the annual report of listed companies in Jiangsu province, the author makes a comprehensive study of the relationship between stock right structure, operating performance and senior managers' pay.
摘要笔者运用江苏高技术上市公司的年报数据来综合考察股权结构、经营业绩与高管报酬之间的关系。 |
Using the data of First National Economic Census of 2004, the authors employ the cluster analysis, non-parameter statistics and function of production to analyze the characteristics of health care industry as well as the regional distribution of health in
本文利用2004年第一次全国经济普查的数据资料,从中国卫生行业的发展现状出发,利用聚类分析、非参数统计、生产函数等方法,对卫生行业发展规模与结构、从业人员文化素质、企业法人卫生单位与事业法人卫生单位发展特点、卫生机构的地区分布状况等进行了分析,揭示了各类卫生投入对GDP的影响因素,总结了卫生行业与区域经济发展的关系。 |
Using the data of gravity field parameter variations observed by GRACE, and mean sea level variations observed by satellite altimetry removed steric sea level changes calculated from the numerical ocean models, global ocean mass change is studied.
利用GRACE卫星观测得到的重力场系数变化资料及重力卫星测高得到的海平面变化扣除由模式得到的热容海平面变化,研究了海水的质量变化。 |
Using the data of statistic books, with the help of SPSS soft, this paper makes a principal components analysis on the comprehensive urbanization development level of 31 provinces in our country, and on basis of it, a hierarchical cluster analysis is made
摘要本文运用统计年鉴数据,借助SPSS统计分析软件,对我国31个省市的城镇化综合发展水平作主成分分析,并在此基础上进行聚类分析,将31个省市分为五种类型,根据分析结果总结出各个类型的特征,得出结论,最后提出自己的建议和思考。 |
Using the database of Holocaust victims at Yad Vashem, Israel‘s Holocaust memorial, two of Shlick‘s grandchildren, Be y and David, began unearthing a mystery a ing six decades and three continents.
借助以色列大屠杀殉难者纪念馆的殉难者数据库,史利克的两个孙子本尼和大卫开始挖掘这段跨越了60年三个大洲的秘密。 |
Using the database of Holocaust victims at Yad Vashem, Israel‘s Holocaust memorial, two of Shlick‘s grandchildren, Benny and David, began unearthing a mystery spanning six decades and three continents.
借助以色列大屠杀殉难者纪念馆的殉难者数据库,史利克的两个孙子本尼和大卫开始挖掘这段跨越了60年三个大洲的秘密。 |
Using the documentary information, questionnaire and the mathematical statisitics, a survey of status quo about the physical and body-building is made in this paper, which is related to middle-aged and old women lived in Yinchuan of Ningxia.
摘要运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,对宁夏银川市中老年妇女的体育健身现状进行了调查。 |
Using the electromagnetic radiation technology,this paper tests accurately the distribution of the stress areas in the front of the tunnelling face and on the both sides of the tunnel,confirms and estimates the reasonable hole sealing deepness of the gas
利用电磁辐射技术,准确测试了采掘工作面前方和巷道两帮侧的应力区分布,确定和评价了煤体瓦斯预抽的合理封孔深度。 |