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Is it as delectable as other Mediterranean cuisines?

Is it an unskillful verbal act, with painful consequences, painful results? 它会是一种不善巧的语业,有苦果、苦报么?
Is it any other high level programming language except C in this world???? 这个世界上只有一门高级程序语言,那就是C!
Is it any wonder most people dread nursing homes? 这些还不足够让人讨厌疗养院生活吗?
Is it any wonder that the man cried, My God, my God, WHY hast thou forsaken me? 难道那个人没有在哭喊:“我的上帝,我的上帝,为什么你抛弃我?”
Is it any wonder that we should finally become suspicious, lose patience, and turn away impatiently? 说来话长,但又好像现在才正开始要问。
Is it as delectable as other Mediterranean cuisines? 它跟其他地中海国家的烹调风格是否品尝起来可口的?
Is it at sight or after sight? 是即期信用证还是远期信用证?
Is it better to give or to receive? 给于和接受那一个好?
Is it better to provide all the customers with the same level of service or is there an alternative? 是否最好是向所有客户提供同样的服务水平,还是有其他的选择方案?
Is it better to spend your money today or hoard every penny in the bank for tomorrow? 现在就把钱花掉好,还是把所有的钱存入银行以备将来之用好?
Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm? to be tossed and lost and broken in the whirl of this fearful joy? 这欢欣的音律不能使你欢欣吗?不能使你迴旋激荡,消失碎裂在这可怖的快乐旋转之中吗?

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