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You have acted foolishly in this.

You have abandoned your people, the house of Jacob. They are full of superstitions from the East; they practice divination like the Philistines and clasp hands with pagans. 6耶和华,你离弃了你百姓雅各家,是因他们充满了东方的风俗,作观兆的,像非利士人一样,并与外邦人击掌。
You have absolutely no idea what you were doing, but it is exciting, and, one way or another it is over way too fast. 你完全不知道自己在干嘛,却很兴奋。还有,一切都结束的很快。
You have absolutely no idea what you were doing, but it is exciting, and, one way or another it is over with too fast. 你完全不知道自己在干嘛,却很兴奋。还有,一切都结束的很快。
You have accumulated more stuff than you could possibly take home with you. 累积的东西比你能带回国的量还多。
You have acquired a taste for bitter melon. 你爱好吃苦瓜.
You have acted foolishly in this. 你这事行得愚昧.此后、你必有争战的事。
You have all had part in destroying anything that was good about what used to be the United States of America. 你们已经彻底把美利坚合众国美好的一面毁灭掉了。
You have all the tools and resource you need. 你有自己需要的所有工具和资源。
You have allowed this stubborn attribute to remain there for it has been an important part of the set up, an important part of your energy composition. 你之所以让这个倔强的因子留在那里,是因为它曾是整个布局的一个重要部份,是你的能量组合里的一个重要部份。
You have already grasped my ideas after seeing the headline, the title. 看了标题,你已经掌握了本文的宗旨。
You have already visited this sponsor and your account was credited at that time. 您已经参观这个页面并且您的帐户在那时已经建立。

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