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Their loved ones killed and their home destoryed refugees run for their lives along the Beijing-Shanghai Railroad tracks.

Their love is growing everyday as they get to know each other but their families, hers is a bunch of hippies and his is composed of snob Republicans, despise each other. 完全没交集的两人在地铁里一见钟情,瞬间天雷勾动地火,当下便立刻决定私定终身,当梦幻的爱情遇上现实的生活时,达玛和葛雷即将展开一段鸡飞狗跳的婚姻生活。。。
Their love makes the water flow, the electricity run, and the flames flicker on their stove. 他们的爱让水流淌,让电和煤气也正常工作了。
Their love story sounds like a fairy tale. 他们的爱情故事听起来像童话。
Their love will withstand all the challenges life may bring. 他们的爱将能抵挡生活带来的所有挑战。
Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun. 6他们的爱,他们的恨,他们的嫉妒,早都消灭了。在日光之下所行的一切事上,他们永不再有分了。
Their loved ones killed and their home destoryed refugees run for their lives along the Beijing-Shanghai Railroad tracks. 被日本侵略军捣毁家园的无辜百姓被迫扶老携幼逃奔他乡。这是京沪路上的难民。
Their magnificent performance gripped the audience. 他们动人的表演牢牢地抓住了观众。
Their main differences are mainly embodied in the aspects of application range of the accounting standard, the initial measurement of long-term equity investment, the subsequent measurement and disclosure of long-term equity investment, etc. 新旧投资准则的不同主要体现在准则的适用范围、长期股权投资的初始计量、长期股权投资的后续计量和披露等方面。
Their main differentiation was the differences of plant-morphologic characters. 它们的差别在于植株形态特点不同(表8)。
Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton. 他们的主要出口货物是纺织品,特别是丝绸和棉布。
Their main operations is distribution of product, transfer of progeny and imparting of technique. 以产品销售、成果转让、技术培训等为主要业务。

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