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The Kamchatka peninsula is also mountainous.

The Kaczynskis sneered, with some justice, at his communist past, glitzy lifestyle and chummy ties with businessmen of all descriptions. 卡钦斯基兄弟却嘲笑其共产党员经历、浮华的生活方式以及他同各种各样的商人们之间的密切关系,虽然其中也不乏公道可言。
The Kailasanatha temple at Ellora is a good example of the former, excavated from top to bottom out of a massive rock face. 爱罗拉的凯托撒那神庙是前者的一个好例子,从头到底挖起上来都是一块厚重的大岩石。
The Kaiyuan Temple of Quanzhou, Fujiang and the Huayan Temple of Datong, Shanxi enshrine the five Buddhas. 我国福建省泉州开元寺和山西省大同华严寺,即供奉以上五尊主尊佛。
The Kalamata with fresh garlic and rosemary made for a wonderful match with cabernet sauvignon and the Kalamata with balsamic vinegar was a complement with shiraz. 用鲜蒜和迷迭香腌制的卡拉马塔橄榄配卡本内苏维浓葡萄酒极佳,用香醋腌制的卡拉马塔橄榄则最好配饮雪拉兹葡萄酒。
The Kalshayi Formation in the Tazhong 401 borehole with distinct lithologic members, developed organisms, and precise stratigraphic age, is well developed organisms, and precise stratigraphic age, is well developed, and is designated as the hypostratotype 塔中401卡拉沙依组发育全,岩性段划分清楚,生物发育,地层时代确定,被指定为卡拉沙依组次层型。
The Kamchatka peninsula is also mountainous. 堪察加半岛也是山地。
The Kankakee County Museum complex is located at 801 South Eighth Avenue in Kankakee, Illinois. 坎卡基地区博物馆在伊利诺伊州坎卡基南八大街801号。
The Kao-Ping River was identified as the most important contributor to the water quality of Tapeng Lagoon. 同时归类出大鹏湾海域水质受高屏溪影响最深远。
The Kapawi Ecolodge in Ecuador's remote Amazon Basin is contributing to that expansion, and it gives a snapshot of what ecotourism looks like. 卡帕威生态度假村坐落在厄瓜多尔偏远的亚马孙盆地里,对生态旅游业的急速扩展做出贡献,也让我们一窥何谓生态旅游。
The Kara dillon as if only used several years to conquer the entire country, these years she crossed, the important matter soul-stirringly is unceasing. 卡拉?狄龙似乎只用了几年的时间就征服了整个国家,这几年她过得惊心动魄、大事不断。
The Karen had been sailing in a convoy to Russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine. “卡伦”号当年在为其他船只护航驶往俄国的途中突然遭到敌方潜水艇鱼雷的袭击。

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