Statues and formulas, these mechanical tools of a serviceable use, or rather misuse, of his natural faculties, are the ankle-chains of a continuous immaturity.
法则、公理这类与其说利用还不如说误用其天赋的机械工具,是持久不成熟状态的脚镣。 |
Statues of Stalin will once again be raised all over the nation and the spector of nuclear war will again haunt the earth.
斯大林的雕像将再一次地在所有民族升起,核战争的危机会再一次地在地球上神出鬼没。 |
Stature, especially of the human body.
身高身长,尤指人类身体 |
Status Offline A canny Canadian internet user showed the potential of online trading systems by gradually bartering a paperclip into a three-bedroomed house.
一位精明的加拿大网民用区别针逐渐交换到一所三卧室的大房子,显示了互联网交易的潜力。 |
Status Offline Basic level companies use spreadsheets and produce one-off reports. Then companies may get a datawarehouse but BI is still on a project-by-project basis.
初级商业智能意味着公司使用电子数据表并生成一次性报告。因此,这类公司有可能拥有数据仓库,但其商业智能仅限于逐个项目的应用。 |
Status Offline Every weekend,he make a 80-mile drive to his $700000 getaway.
每逢周末,他都以80英里的时速开车到他那价值70万美元的偏远住宅去。 |
Status Offline He spoke with an American accent.
他说话带着美国英语口音。 |
Status Offline How ‘bout getting your mom to sew on name tapes?
让你妈妈把你的身份缝在姓名条上如何? |
Status Offline People have their own deaths as well as their own lives, and even if there is nothing beyond death, we shall differ in our nothingness.
个人理解,这句话的意思是,人死之后也是有所不同的。伟人死后,给世人留下宝贵的精神遗产,这不同于一般人。 |
Status Offline The lay/can Jul 25~Aug 25 to be narrowed into 15days spread by owners 15 days prior to first layday.
货物的贮存期由30天(7月25日至8月25日)缩减为15天,货主须在货物到港15天内提货。 |
Status Offline The most oft-repeated phrase for this sleazy story is the hidden rule,which Zhang asserts governs the casting of unknown young actresses.
这个低级庸俗的事件再三强调的是“潜规则”,此次事件的女主角张钰信誓旦旦的声称这条潜规则左右了大部分想演戏而又不怎么出名的年轻女演员。 |