Lutein appears to have differential effects on different components of vision loss in the same patients.
叶黄素对相同患者的不同视力指标的效果不同。 |
Lutein is an active carotenoid and potent natural source antioxidant. It is extracted from marigold flowers and contains a normal blend of carotenoids including: Zeaxanthin and Cryptoxanthin.
叶黄素是一种活性类胡萝卜素,它是天然的抗氧化剂重要来源,取自万寿菊花,它含有一种纯混合类胡萝卜素:玉米黄质和隐黄质。 |
Lutfalla is the second AP Television News cameraman to be killed in Mosul in the last two years.
卢特法拉是两年来在摩苏尔被枪手打死的第二名美联社电视摄像记者。 |
Luther &Maelzer enjoys high reputation in worldwide.
在全球享有盛誉。 |
Luther Head can shoot the lights out; but he can neither pass nor defend.
海德可以投中一些球,但他既不会传球又不会防守。 |
Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
马丁·路德·金在以非暴力手段寻求平等的过程中树立了许多敌人。 |
Luther came along and slightly altered this list of pastoral duties, baptizing them for Lutheran priests.
到了路德的时代,路德稍微修改了这个教牧职务的条款,给他们施洗成为了路德宗的祭司。 |
Luther en Allemagne et Calvin en France prêchent une nouvelle religion : le protestantisme .
德国人路德和法国的加尔文鼓吹一种新的宗教:新教。 |
Luther said Copernicus wanted to turn the whole world of astronomy upside down.
路德说哥白尼要颠倒天文学世界的乾坤。 |
Luther taught the importance of Spiritual disciplines, including solitude, silence, listening, meditation, journaling, praying and obeying.
路德也教导属灵操练的重要性,包括独处,静默,聆听,默想,记日记,祷告和顺服。 |
Luther's ball handling is still OK to me.
在我看来,海德的控球还算过得去。 |