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In fact , in the adiministration of his duties as trainee lion tamer, he is not usually considered adequate and often has to acknowledge the acid remarks of his father, the head liontamer, for his lack of action.

In face of this unbearable love, dare we still say, I'm not important? 面对这无法承载的亲情,我们还敢说我不重要吗?
In face of tough competition, the team kept their spirits up. 面对激烈竞争,这支队伍保持士气高昂。
In face, ancient people celebrated the new year even before they had exact ways of measuring time. 事实上,故人们在没有精确记年方法之时就已经开始庆祝新年了。
In face, the participants often search out a new partner the way they would a new job, one critic noted. 事实上,一份报章曾批评说;参与者经常找新伴侣,仅是找到一份新的工作而已。
In face-to-face situations I have direct evidence of my fellowmen, of his actions, his attributes, and so on. 在面对面的情境中,对于同伴的动作、特质、及其他我就有直接的根据。
In fact , in the adiministration of his duties as trainee lion tamer, he is not usually considered adequate and often has to acknowledge the acid remarks of his father, the head liontamer, for his lack of action. 实事上,在执行他作为见习驯狮员的职责时,他常常被认为不是太胜任,而且常常不得不承认他父亲,也就是首席驯狮员的尖刻评价,因为他没有行动。
In fact , she seemed to understand the old axiom about actions speaking louder than words ,louder than incomprehensible foreign words ,even when that meant picking up a stranger's underwear . 事实上,她仿佛深谙事实胜于雄辩的道理,知道行动可以跨越陌生的外语,哪怕是帮一个陌生人拾起他的内裤。
In fact , the result from this simple exercise will have huge effect . 事实上,这种简单的训练能收到巨大的效果。
In fact , there were few wonders of the twentieth century that??this man of the nineteenth century did not foresee. 事实上,这个19世纪的凡尔纳几乎都预见了20世纪的奇妙发明。
In fact , we also hope we will get C/O as soon as possible , if we can not , we will take a lot of losses. 其实我们也很希望尽快的把产地证办理出来,如果办不出来对我们的损失将会很大。
In fact ,you are wrong if you think like that . 事实上,你要是那样想就错了.

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