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She refused to put up with her boss's arrogance any longer.

She refused to enter into correspondence with him. 她拒绝跟他开始通信。
She refused to let either Sunshine or me get near that pitiful little body. 它拒绝阳光或是我接近那个可怜的小尸体。
She refused to make a statement to the police in case she incriminated herself. 她拒绝向警方作陈述以免受连累.
She refused to mane the man and didn't give a date for an expected court appearance. 她拒绝透露这名男子的姓名,也没有公布预期的出庭日期。
She refused to meet the union delegation . 她拒绝接见工会代表团.
She refused to put up with her boss's arrogance any longer. 她再也不愿忍受她老板的傲气。
She refused to put up with her colleague's dishonesty any longer. 她再也不愿忍受她同事的欺骗。
She refused to put up with his foul language any longer. 她再也不愿忍受他的恶言脏语。
She refused to put up with his incessant gambling any longer. 她再也不愿忍受他不断的赌博。
She refused to put up with the student's disrespectful behavior any longer. 她再也不愿忍受学生不敬的举止。
She refused to remain silent any longer. 她不愿再保持缄默了。

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