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As a dielectric insulating oil.

As a designated enterprise for producing the pipes for Chinese Petroleum, China Chemical, State Power Company and Chemical Industry, our company is engaged in the production and sales of flange, bend, pipe and other metal pipes. 公司是专业从事法兰、弯头、承插管件、等金属管道连接件的制造和销售企业,为中国石油、中国石化、国家电力公司、化工部管件定点企业。
As a detection method without damages, the transient Rayleigh wave exploration has been widely used in engineering investigation, monitoring, detecting and so on. 摘要瞬态瑞雷波勘探作为一种无损检测手段已广泛应用于岩土工程勘查、监测、检测等领域。
As a deterrent against American nuclear attack, the Chinese have long relied mainly on a handful of intercontinental missiles that are slow to fuel and highly vulnerable. 为了对抗美国的核打击,长期以来,中国主要依赖几枚燃料加注得慢而且十分脆弱的洲际导弹。
As a developmental financial institution of the government, China Development Bank (CDB) is also a special economic organization. 摘要国家开发银行作为政府的开发性金融机构,是一种特殊的经济组织。
As a devotee grows older and the attraction for material pleasures begins to fade (either because of spiritual advancement, or an aging body) he takes more seriously the opportunity to visit holy places. 当一个奉献者年老、物质快乐的吸引力开始减退(或者因为灵性的进步或躯体的老化),他会更认真的对待去朝拜圣地的机会。
As a dielectric insulating oil. 2介电绝缘液。
As a dietary supplement, take a 1/2 level teaspoon in juice or water, preferably on an empty stomach, one or more times daily as needed. 每次使用?茶匙,每日1次或依需要增加次数.空腹使用可.加入温水或果汁中服用.
As a disciple, one must regard one's guru as an enlightened being. 做为一个弟子,你必需将你的上师视为是一位已经证悟的圣者。
As a dissipative structure, organization has shown all the characteristics of fractional Brownian motion in its evolution of culture aw structure. 摘要作为耗散结构的组织在其文化和结构的演化中体现出了分数布朗运动的特征。
As a district committee chairperson, how will you collaborate with assistant governors and other district committee chairpersons to effectively serve clubs? 作为一个地区委员会主委,你如何与助理总监及其他的地区委员会主委合作以有效地服务扶轮社?
As a district committee chairperson, in what ways can you work with clubs? 作为一个地区委员会主委,你能与扶轮社合作的方法?

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