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There isn't a thing I can't do today that I couldn't do when I was 18.

There is, perhaps, no solitary sensation so exquisite as that of slumbering on the grass or hay, shaded from the hot sun by a tree, with the consciousness of a fresh but light air running through the wide atmosphere, and the sky stretching far overhead up 躺在青草或干草上面安然入睡,一片树荫为你遮挡骄阳,你能感觉到空气中有一丝清新、爽快的气息,被一望无际的天空环抱着-还有什么能比得上这样美妙的感受?
There is, though, a technique that works. 不过有一种技术却十分有效。
There is, to emphasize, no sense of guilt or responsibility. 值得强调的是,这其中并不参杂负罪感或责任感。
There is, unforeseen by the writer, some lack of understanding on the part of the reader or some fear, bias, eccentricity or perverseness on his part of which the writer is not aware. 还有,一些写信人无法预料的事情,比如收信人的不理解,或者恐惧、偏见、偏激和不正当等等。
There is. This comic book here. I just love superman and all his friends. Wait, excuse me, duty calls, I must save the world. 有呀,这里这本漫画书,我只爱超人和所有他的朋友。等等,不好意思,有任务来了,我得去拯救地球了。
There isn't a thing I can't do today that I couldn't do when I was 18. 我十八岁时能做到的每一件事情今天同样做得到。
There isn't an atom of truth in the rumour. 谣言中没有丝毫的真实性.
There isn't any mustard (chilli oil ) here. Could you fetch me some wile you are at it? 这儿没有芥末油(辣椒油)了,给拿点来好吗?
There isn't any soap in my room. 我房间没有肥皂。
There isn't any water in my glass. Would you give me some? 我的杯子里没有水了。请你给我一些,好吗?
There isn't any water in the bottle. 瓶子里一点水也没有。

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