Officials said the government learned in March that China was going ahead with development of the Bajiaoting gas field.
官员称政府在三月的时候已经意识到中国正开始开发八角亭气田。 |
Officials said the society sought a provisional injunction against Toyoda in 2001 because he had repeatedly performed copyrighted songs in the past without permission, and the Tokyo District Court granted the injunction.
这个协会表示,告他是因为他反复多次,不听劝阻的演奏这些曲子.东京地方法院受理并支持了协会. |
Officials said they knew of only one shooter, but were investigating what they called a person of interest, without giving specifics.
警方称,据目前掌握,2起案件为一人所为,目前他们正在对凶手开展调查,但是没有给出相关详细情况。 |
Officials say Africa also is strategically more important because of increased efforts by China to involve itself and gain influence on the continent.
政府官员们还说,这件事情在战略上是很重要的,因为中国正在努力,正在逐步加大他们(中国)在非洲的影响力。 |
Officials say Nowak drove some 1,500 kilometers from Houston to confront Air Force officer Colleen Shipman in the airport parking lot.
官员们说诺瓦克从休斯敦开车约1500公里到机场停车场绑架空军基地女军官科琳·希普曼。 |
Officials say RCTV could have switched immediately to become a subscription channel, and that it went off the air only to make a political point.
官方表示,RCTV很快会转型为收费频道,它之前的停播不过是要制造政治话题。 |
Officials say a suicide bomber killed 16 people in a cafe Thursday afternoon.
有关官员说,一名自杀炸弹杀手星期四下午在一家咖啡馆炸死16名平民。 |
Officials say air sample show oxygen level that can support life.
官方人士称空气样本显示那的氧气能够支持生命的延续。 |
Officials say an earthquake of this size has the potential to generate a destructive wave that can strike coastlines near the epicenter within minutes of the quake.
美国官员说,这样震级的地震很有可能会引发毁灭性的海上大浪,形成的海啸在地震发生的几分钟以后就可能袭击震中附近的海岸。 |
Officials say at least 50 people were killed.
有关官员说,还有至少50人丧生。 |
Officials say at least five people are dead and as many as 50 more are believed buried by Wednesday's landslide at the mine.
政府表示周三的山崩导致至少有5人死亡,50多人被埋在了废墟中。 |