One main sticking point has been the repeated visits by Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to Tokyo's Yasukuni shrine, where some convicted war criminals are honored along with Japan's other war dead.
一个主要分歧点是日本首相小泉纯一郎不断参拜东京靖国神社,那里供奉着包括一些日本战犯在内的战争亡灵。 |
One major advantage is money.
省钱是主要的优点之一。 |
One major creative cycle and integrative cycle is a part of every given year.
一个主要的创造周期和一个主要的整合周期是每个年份的一部分。 |
One major factor was the revolution in communications.
复活节是两个主要的基督教节日之一。 |
One major hope for Yahoo is the upgraded advertising system it introduced in February. However, the payoff from that system isn't expected to start materializing until later this year.
雅虎最主要的希望就是加固二月份引进的广告系统。但是,从该系统预计盈利不会一开始就实现,直到今年晚些时候。 |
One major pitfall to look out for is feature bloat.
可以预计,将会遇到的一个主要缺陷是特性膨胀。 |
One major pollutant contributing to China's bad air is particulate matter, which includes concentrations of fine dust, soot and aerosol particles less than 10 microns in diameter (known as PM 10).
《纽约时报》的《中国的污染已经到了极限》一文中,提到了一个衡量空气污染的指标。 |
One major problem remained to be solved before it could be put to the test - a practical method of insect sterilization had to be found.
这个建议遇到来自墨守成规的官僚机构的阻力,也受到科学家的怀疑,但尼普林博士却始终没有放弃这个想法。 |
One major reason for the appearance of the phenomenon is due to the negative influence of mathematical thought that put undue emphasis on the practical side of mathematics.
产生这一现象的一个重要原因是晚清数学观念的实用倾向的消极影响。 |
One major reason is the tight bond between Baby Boomer parents and their children.
其中一个主要原因是生育高峰期出生的人做了家长以后,和自己的孩子的关系非常紧密。 |
One major religion features a god of power and revenge; another worships one that is silent and indifferent to the suffering of people; still another offers a god that is mysterious and unknowable, absorbing all of humanity into the great cosmic ocean of
一种主要的宗教尊崇一个强有力、复仇之神;另一种则敬拜一位对于人民苦难沉默、无动于衷的神;还有人信仰一位神秘、不可知的神,这位神把所有的与人性相关的东西归纳为无所不包容的唯一。 |