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It takes experience to actually know a sunken ship when one sees it.

It takes courage and strength to climb up the perpendicular cliff. 攀上这悬崖峭壁需要勇气和力量。
It takes courage and strength to scale these cliffs. 攀登这些悬崖需要勇气和力量。
It takes dedication, courage and perseverance to run this race. 我们需要以决心,勇气和坚忍来跑这条人生路。
It takes drastic chemical changes to morph a squirmy caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, and scientists have estimated that this process requires loads of energy to go forward. 美国俄勒冈健康科学大学的科学家们在最新一期《脂肪研究杂志》上发表研究报告指出,一条蠕动的毛毛虫要变成美丽的蝴蝶,需要经过激烈的化学变化。
It takes events with a lot of energy to make gravitational waves that we can detect because spacetime is not very elastic. 因为时空结构并不是富有弹性的,要产生我们能探测到的引力波将需要相当多的能量。
It takes experience to actually know a sunken ship when one sees it. 他问他的潜水伙伴:沉船在哪儿?
It takes few bits to subscribe to a sensor, but the resulting data stream from the sensor to the student's client may require a great deal of bandwidth. 这些数据提供给传感器只需要占用数字节,然而,从传感器出来到试验者的客户的结果数据流却需要大量的带宽。
It takes fifteen hours for the ”corundum” (crystallized alumina) to form on the rod, somewhat like a stalagmite. 15小时后,棒上形成石笋状的“金刚砂”(氧化铝晶体)。
It takes floating point inputs and filters the information through weighted connections between “neurons” and outputs another floating point number. 大体来说,神经元数量和层数将影响获取最优解的能力。
It takes gumption to quit a good paying job. 要辞去一个待遇很好的工作需要勇气。
It takes half a day to go to Nanjing by car. 乘车去南京需花半天的时间。

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