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I used to work nights, but now I have a nine-to-five job.

I used to work him so with my Socratic method, and had trepanned him so often by questions apparently so distant from any point we had in hand, vet by degrees leading to the point, and bringing him into difficulties and contradictions, that at last he gre 我常用苏格拉底法和他争辩,常使他陷入圈套,起先我以离主题甚远的问题来回答他,接著一步步地引到主题,遂使他陷于窘迫或矛盾,直到后来他产生一种可笑的心态,这种普通的问题也不难于回答,先要问我,「这句话你要困窘我到什麽程度呢?」
I used to work in Foshan as an international businessman. 我以前曾在佛山做过国际贸易业务员。
I used to work in Harbin. 我过去在哈尔滨工作。
I used to work in Nepal, the home town of Buddha in ancient Indian time. 我曾在尼泊尔呆过,那里古代属印度,是释迦牟尼的故乡。
I used to work in a university. 我曾在一个大学里工作。
I used to work nights, but now I have a nine-to-five job. 我以前的工作是夜班,可现在的工作是早晚按点上下班。
I used to work until nearly 6:00 o'clock each day. 我过去常常工作到6:00左右。
I used to worry all the time. (我以前总是担心这担心那的。)
I used to write anything in English since primary school. 自读小学以来,所有文章或信件都需要用英文来书写的。
I used to write your name . And put it in a frame . And sometime I hear you call , rihgt from my bedroom wall . 我过去经常写你的名字,并把它放进一个框框中.有时在我寝室围墙外听到你的呼喊.
I used to write your name. 我过去总是写你的名字。

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