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All asses wag their ears.

All articles posted on this website marked with “Article type: reproduced” or ”Article type: translated” and “Article type: re-edited” come from other media, and are provided solely for the user's information, which does not mean this website endorses the 凡本站注明“文章类型:转载”、“文章类型:编译”、“文章类型:摘编”的所有作品,均转载、编译或摘编自其它媒体,转载、编译或摘编的目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本站赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。
All arts consist in the imitation and study of nature. 一切艺术存在于对自然的模仿和研究。
All ashtrays shall be changed after 1 cigarette butt. 烟灰缸内不得超过一个烟蒂。
All aspect patterns are dynamic, not directional and rely on the energy generated by the archetypes of planets' energies. 所以的相位样式都是动态的,不是定向的、得依靠由行星能量的原型所产生能量。
All assembly references should use relative path. 所有程序集应该使用相对路径引用。
All asses wag their ears. 傻子总爱装聪明。
All asset accounts normally have debit balance. 正常情况下,所以的资产帐户都应有借方余额。
All assets should be stated at their historical costs on acquisition. 十)企业的各项财产在取得时应当按照实际成本计量。
All assignments and a complete bibliography of readings are available for this course. 此课程包括了所有的作业(功课)和一个完备的阅读书目。
All assignments you hand in must be your own work. 所交的作业都必须是自己独立完成的。
All at once Phil disappeared. 菲尔突然不见了。

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