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[bbe] And he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hands on him, so that he may be able to see.

[bbe] And he gave that place the name of Beth-el, but before that time the town was named Luz. 他就给那地方起名叫伯特利(就是神殿的意思)。但那地方起先名叫路斯。
[bbe] And he gave word of it to his father and his brothers; but his father protesting said, What sort of a dream is this? 约瑟将这梦告诉他父亲和他哥哥们,他父亲就责备他说,你作的这是什么梦。
[bbe] And he gave you his agreement with you, the ten rules which you were to keep, which he put in writing on the two stones of the law. 他将所吩咐你们当守的约、指示你们、就是十条诫.并将这诫写在两块石版上。
[bbe] And he got into a boat and went across and came to his town. 耶稣上了船、渡过海、来到自己的城里。
[bbe] And he got together all the chiefs of Israel, with the priests and the Levites. 大卫招聚以色列的众首领和祭司利未人。
[bbe] And he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hands on him, so that he may be able to see. 又看见了一个人、名叫亚拿尼亚、进来按手在他身上、叫他能看见。
[bbe] And he let his strength be taken prisoner, and gave his glory into the hands of his hater. 又将他的约柜(原文作能力)交与人掳去,将他的荣耀交在敌人手中。
[bbe] And he made a frame all round it about as wide as a man's hand, edged with gold all round. 桌子的四围各作一掌宽的横梁、横梁上镶著金牙边。
[bbe] And he made towns for himself, and got together much property in flocks and herds: for God had given him great wealth. 并且建立城邑,还有许多的羊群牛群,因为神赐他极多的财产。
[bbe] And he made two gold rings, placing them on the two opposite sides under the edge, to take the rods for lifting it. 作两个金环、安在牙子边以下、在坛的两旁两根横?`上、作为穿杠的用处、以便抬坛。
[bbe] And he put door-keepers at the doors of the Lord's house, to see that no one who was unclean in any way might come in. 且设立守门的把守耶和华殿的各门,无论为何事,不洁净的人都不准进去。

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