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Article 21 A law firm shall report to the original verification department on changes in respect of its name, domicile, articles of association, partners or any other major issue, or on dissolution of the firm.

Article 209 Where any company registration authority registers any application that does not meet the conditions as provided for in the present Law, or fails to register any application that meets the conditions as prescribed in the present Law, the direc 第二百零九条公司登记机关对不符合本法规定条件的登记申请予以登记,或者对符合本法规定条件的登记申请不予登记的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。
Article 20: A franchisee shall, in accordance with the franchisor's request, truthfully provide materials regarding its operating capability, including entity status certification, credit certification and property rights certification, etc. 第二十条被特许人应当按照特许人的要求如实提供有关自己经营能力的资料,包括主体资格证明、资信证明、产权证明等。
Article 20: Each year, a Representative Organization shall, within six months after the end of the financial year of the foreign insurance institution that it represents, submit the annual report of the previous year of the foreign insurance institution t 第二十条?代表机构每年在其代表的外国保险机构会计年度结束后的6个月内,应当分别向中国保监会和当地中国保监会派出机构报送其所代表的外国保险机构上一年度的年报。
Article 21 A Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school with the legal person status shall set up a board of trustees or a board of directors, and a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school without the legal person status shall set up a joint managerial com 第二十一条具有法人资格的中外合作办学机构应当设立理事会或者董事会,不具有法人资格的中外合作办学机构应当设立联合管理委员会。
Article 21 A law firm shall report to the original examination and verification department changes it wishes to make in important matters such as its name, domicile, articles of association, and partners, or dissolution of the firm. 第二十一条律师事务所变更名称、住所、章程、合伙人等重大事项或者解散的,应当报原审核部门。
Article 21 A law firm shall report to the original verification department on changes in respect of its name, domicile, articles of association, partners or any other major issue, or on dissolution of the firm. 第二十一条律师事务所变更名称、住所、章程、合伙人等重大事项或者解散的,应当报原审核部门。
Article 21 A long-term investment is an investment other than a short-term investment, including equity interests of different classes that are purposely held for more than one year (exclusive), bonds that are not realizable or not readily realizable, lon 第二十一条长期投资,是指除短期投资以外的投资,包括持有时间准备超过1年(不含1年)的各种股权性质的投资、不能变现或不准备随时变现的债券、长期债权投资和其他长期投资。
Article 21 A maritime lien is the right of the claimant, subject to the provisions of Article 22 of this Code, to take priority in compensation against shipowners, bareboat charterers or ship operators with respect to the ship which gave rise to the said 第二十一条船舶优先权,是指海事请求人依照本法第二十二条的规定,向船舶所有人、光船承租人、船舶经营人提出海事请求,对产生该海事请求的船具有优先受偿的权利。
Article 21 A sole proprietorship enterprise shall set up accounting books and conduct accounting in accordance with the law. 第二十一条个人独资企业应当依法设置会计帐簿,进行会计核算。
Article 21 After receipt of the approval documents of the SAFE about the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment, an insurance company shall sign custody agreement with its domestic custodian and open domestic custody account upon presentation o 第二十一条保险公司在收到国家外汇局有关投资付汇额度的核准文件后,应当持核准文件,与境内托管人签订托管协议,并开立境内托管账户。
Article 21 After the success of independently entrusted investment promotion by enterprises according to the entrusted investment promotion contract filed by City Foreign Affairs Office in early stage shall be determined according to the Provisions for Fu 第二十一条委托招商合同经市外资办前期审核备案的企业自主委托招商,引资成功后,经申请批准,按郑州市招商引资资金认定及奖励办法》所界定标准,由政府给予对外委托项目法人一定数额的委托招商补贴。

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