The Budget of the Investment : The total investment capital is 60 million Yuan RMB, the capital importation is 60 million Yuan RMB.
投资预算:总投资6000万元人民币,需引进资金6000万元人民币。 |
The Budget of the Investment : The total investment is 5 million Yuan RMB. The capital importation is 5 million Yuan RMB.
投资预算:总投资500万元人民币,需引进资金500万元人民币。 |
The Budget of the Investment : The total investment is 59 million Yuan RMB, the importation capital is 30 million Yuan.
投资预算:总投资5900万元人民币。其中引进资金3000万元人民币。 |
The Budget of the Investment: The total investment capital is 100 million Yuan RMB, the construction cost is 80 million Yuan RMB, other costs are 20 million Yuan RMB and the capital importation is 100 million Yuan RMB.
投资预算:总投资1亿元人民币,建筑工程费8000万元人民币,其他费用2000万元人民币,引进资金1亿元人民币。 |
The Budwiser brewer signed a distribution deal with a Taiwanese company.
百威啤酒制造商与台湾某个公司签订经销合约。 |
The Buena Vista Café located at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco is credited with popularizing what famous hot drink?
这家咖啡馆位于旧金山的渔人码头,发明的鸡尾酒是什么? |
The Buena Vista Palce Hotel &Spa in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, is one of the region's hotels undergoing a major renovation.
佛罗里达州美景湖畔的美景皇宫度假饭店是当地数家正大肆整修的旅馆之一。 |
The Buenos Aires city center, which pigeons and pedestrians have cohabited for years, has become a noisy inferno where angry Argentines bang pots and pans and explode fireworks to protest rising unemployment and a freeze of most saving accounts.
在布宜诺斯艾利斯的市中心,多年来鸽子和行人和平相处,但现在为了对仍在不断上升的失业率以及政府对其存款的冻结表示抗议,愤怒的阿根廷人或者摔打瓶瓶罐罐,或者燃放鞭炮烟火,使得以往平静的市中心始终笼罩在一片嘈杂声中。 |
The Buick slammed to a stop against some railroad tracks, and this guy kicked the door open and started running.
别克砰的一声撞上铁轨停住了,这家伙踢开车门撒腿就跑。 |
The Buick took it somehow, flying over the wet gravel like a drunken rocket.
别克在湿漉漉的碎石路上,怎么说呢,简直是在飞,像个喝醉了的火箭。 |
The Builder focuses on building a planetary empire.
建造者集中于建立一个星球帝国。 |