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Level 1 - Spectre gains 5% movespeed, enemies lose 5%. Deals 50 damage.

Level 1 - Causes a target to miss 10% of the time for 4 seconds and slows movement speed by 10%. Doesn't stack with orb-based abilities. Adds 2 damage to each attack. 一级-使目标有10%的几率攻击落空,降低10%的移动速度,受到2点/秒的毒性伤害。
Level 1 - Deals 75 damage. If the target is killed within a short period of time afterwards, 1 spiderling will spawn. 一级-造成75点的伤害。如果目标在感染期间(非常短)死亡,将会有1个蜘蛛幼虫从尸体中诞生。
Level 1 - Gives 12% bonus damage to nearby friendly heroes. 一级-增加300范围内友方英雄12%的基础攻击力。
Level 1 - Gives a 17% chance to knockback enemies 140 distance and get 25 bonus damage. 一级-在攻击中有17%的几率重击对手,造成25点额外的伤害,并将他向后推送140的距离。
Level 1 - Passively increases nearby friendly units' attack speed by 5%. 一级-提升5%的攻击速度。
Level 1 - Spectre gains 5% movespeed, enemies lose 5%. Deals 50 damage. 造成50点的伤害,提升/降低5%的移动速度。
Level 1 - Summons a powerful 1400 hit point Spirit Bear companion. 一级-召唤一个熊灵伙伴,拥有1400点的生命。
Level 1 - Summons an Infernal with weak Pulverize and average attack. 一级-召唤一个具有一般攻击力的地域火。
Level 1 - Summons three mighty Pandas. 一级-分身为3个较强的元素战士。
Level 1 - Takes control of a target enemy unit. Cap of 1 unit. 75 HP Bonus. 一级-上限1个,被劝化的单位获得75点额外的生命。
Level 1 - The Alchemist causes his Ogre to enter a chemically induced rage reducing base attack cooldown to 1.45, increasing hitpoints by 200 and improved regeneration. 一级-增加200点的生命,基础攻击间隔降低至1.45秒,基础生命回复速度上升至15点/秒,基础魔法回复速度上升至3点/秒。

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