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It unfolds into the numberless flowers of spring.

It turns out to be the last chance for me to sit by him listening to him. 结果那是我最后一次坐在他身边,听他说话。
It turns out, however, that there are plenty of cases where this is not a showstopper. 然而,原来有大量例子表明,这不是一场精彩表演的中断。
It turns out, though, that this reading of the concept is a mistake in translation, not so much of a word as of an image. 不过,对于涅盘概念作这般理解,实际上是一个误会,并非在文字上,而是在形象上。
It two hours ready for the party. 昨天我们花了两个小时的时间准备这个聚会。
It typically manifests as a soft, painless, non-mobile swelling in the neck, with some patients having had previous mouth-floor surgery or trauma. 典型的表现为颈部柔软、无痛性、非可动性肿块,且部分病人曾有口底手术或外伤的病史。
It unfolds into the numberless flowers of spring. 美,在春日百花中绽放。
It unfolds to us an aesthetic picture scroll of southwest minorities. 《边寨风情》为我们呈现了一幅唯美的中国西南少数民族风情画卷。
It unifies China's current invoice management system, strengthens the functions of tax authorities over invoice management, standardizes the procedures for invoice management, increases the dynamics of punishment of law-breaking acts related toinvoices, i 它统一了我国现行的发票管理制度,强化了税务机关的发票管理职能,规范了发票管理程序,加重了对发票违法行为的处罚力度;同时,严格了对税务机关行使职权的约束,体现了对印制、使用发票单位和个人合法权益的保护。
It up-stimulate the cascade of eents leading to angiotensin II formation. 而我们知道肾素是可以正向刺激一系列的反应从而导致血管紧张素II的形成的。
It up-stimulate the cascade of events leading to angiotensin II formation. 而我们知道肾素是可以正向刺激一系列的反应从而导致血管紧张素II的形成的。
It urged parents as well as teachers to provide children with the facts about the origins and evolution of life on Earth. 它不但敦请家长而且还有老师,向孩子们提供地球上生命的起源和进化的事实。

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