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Observers living in the Andromeda galaxy and beyond have their own observable universes that are different from but overlap with ours.

Observer Group began in the Western SARS, stop bleeding, rehydration treatment with Chinese medicine on the basis of proprietary treatment. 观察组术后在西医抗炎、止血、补液治疗的基础上配合中药方剂治疗。
Observers had expected 10,000 jobs to be cut in what insiders were calling the “Saint Valentine's Day Massacre”. 前些日子,观察家预测在被业内称作“圣瓦伦丁节屠杀”的裁员行动中,一万名戴-克员工将失业。
Observers had expected Mr Fradkov to give way to one of the men Mr Putin has publicly groomed to take over. 观察家已经预料到弗拉德科夫会让位于普京公开推荐的接班人之一。
Observers in Seoul suspect that the allegations against Mr Lee may be part of an orchestrated deluge against him leading up to the election of the GNP's official candidate on August 20th. 首尔的观察家们怀疑当局对李先生的起诉是阻止他在8月20号当选大国家党候选人的阴谋的一部分。
Observers living in Level I parallel universes experience the same laws of physics as we do but with different initial conditions. 生活在第一层平行宇宙的观测者,也经验著和我们一样的物理定律,只不过初始条件不同。
Observers living in the Andromeda galaxy and beyond have their own observable universes that are different from but overlap with ours. 住在仙女座星系或更远处的观测者,也有他们各自的可见宇宙,和我们的有所重叠,却不太一样。
Observers said the outcomes demonstrated voters disappointment at the DPP, who has failed to break the cross-strait deadlock or revive the economy. 观察员说结果显示选民对民进党的失望,因它不能打破两岸僵局、或经济复苏。
Observers say that some day synthetic worlds such as Second Life could reshape global commerce and perhaps even the way people interact over the Internet. 观察家们说,有朝一日第二人生这样的虚拟世界有可能重塑全球贸易,甚至改变人们的交流方式.
Observers say there are better uses for the €2m (£1.4m) the European Union has promised Mauritania. They need to get to the root of the problem, why people are leaving in the first place,said Father Jerome Otitoyomi Dukiya, a Nigerian priest working with 联合国表示,私人产业需要在非洲多点投资,并且提供更多的工作机会给年轻人,尤其是在那些政治相对稳定的国家,这样才能解决非法移民的问题;政府必须尽全力稳定自身的民主政治,并想办法杜绝贪污。
Observing and contrasting from personal visual angle towards external world are May 4thprose's unique prose angle, expressing straightly one's feeling, describing imago and creating artistic conception are its artistic techniques, freely structuring is it 以个人的视角对外在世界进行观照是五四散文独特的散文视角,直抒胸臆、对意象的描摹和对意境的创造是五四散文的艺术手法,自由流尚的结构方式是它组织材料时共同的特征,具有简单味和苦涩味语言是五四散文的语言特色。
Observing and thinking: What problems can we solve by the principle of the hot air? 观察思考:热空气的性质还可以帮助我们解决什么问题?

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