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No reliever threw a pitch in the bullpen.

No rehearsal for your life, for everye day is living broadcast. 人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。
No reliability problems so far. 迄今为止没有可靠性问题.。
No reliable figures for average wages exist; the government's economic data are notably unreliable. 大陆平均工资没有可靠的数据,官方经济数据显然靠不住。
No relief in sight for residents sucked in by snow in upstate New York. 纽约州北部居民陷入了白雪皑皑的世界中,看不到一点缓减。
No relief in sight for residents sucked in by snow in upstate NewYork. 一点也看不出纽约北部的居民在这次大雪中有丝毫放松。
No reliever threw a pitch in the bullpen. 没有任何一位救援投手在牛棚中练投。
No response. Had she heard me? 她没有回答.她听到了吗?
No restriction on bicycle type is imposed as long as the bike meets safety inspection and wheel size requirements above. 普通车包括一般民用骑行车、都市骑行车、内三速等,不分车轮大小,普通车可自由选择参加山地赛。
No resumption date was set. 具体日期没有确定。
No ridicule or insult any team player, while the other assault group or the player to cause trouble! 队员严禁取笑或者侮辱任何一位玩家,不许向其他战队或玩家寻衅滋事!
No right or license is granted to either party hereunder with respect to any Confidential Information it receives from the disclosing party. 没有任何权利或许可被授予从另一方获得机密信息的任何一方。

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