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When the blast wave expands, it breaks the bubbles and thereby loses energy.

When the biack wind pass through my wings, I always feel excited namelessly. 黑色的风从翅膀底下穿过的时候,我总会有莫名的兴奋。
When the big bad wolf appears, and Zhiharka's playmates are not around, who could save her? 当危险发生,猫咪、麻雀又正好不在,谁能来救吉哈卡呢?
When the bill came it was over thirty dollars. 帐单来了,三十多美元。
When the birth cohort of 1980-2000 entering into the marriage market, the surplusmale population is above 20 million, which account for 10% of the same birth cohort. 当1980-2000年的出生队列步入婚姻市场时,男性“过剩”人口在2000万以上,占该时期出生男性的10%以上。
When the bit goes through the BOP, slow down, please! 当钻头通过防喷器时,慢一点放。
When the blast wave expands, it breaks the bubbles and thereby loses energy. 爆震波扩张时,会由气泡吸收,因而丧失能量。
When the bodies were exhumed, they showed delayed decomposition including the flow of fresh blood when cut. 当那些人的尸体被挖掘出来的时候,他们并没有腐烂掉,当割破他们的身体,还留着新鲜的血液。
When the body is due to a cold, over-exertion, a sharp drop in blood tonsil, glandular secretion decline, resulting in decreased local resistance, the bacteria break caused tonsil infection, acute laryngitis. 当机体因受凉、过度劳累时,扁桃体血流锐减,腺体分泌减少,造成局部抵抗力下降,细菌乘虚而入引起扁桃体发炎、急性咽喉炎。
When the body was no longer a hindrance to the free expression of the soul - when the conscious mind had merged with the subconscious, and the atomic structure of the body could be controlled so that the soul was as free in it as out of it - the earth cyc 当身体不再是灵魂自由表达的障碍时——当意识头脑与潜意识融为一体,身体的原子结构可以被控制,因而灵魂在体内与在体外一样自由——地球循环就结束了,灵魂可以去进行新的探险。
When the boiler exploded many people were injured. 因锅炉爆炸,许多人受了伤。
When the bomb went off, up to 12 victims could have expired because they were not moved earlier. 若有爆裂物爆炸,大约有12名伤员由于没有及时转移而毙命。

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