J.Pedlosky: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Springer-verlag, 1981. |
中文意思: 余志豪等:地球物理流体动力学。气象出版社,1995。 |
J.K.Chen and W.T.Reynolds Jr., Determination of the Best Matching Direction and Plane in Partially-Coherent Interfaces, International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials '94, Pittsburgh, PA.
陈贞光,黄议兴,李至隆,「抗时效低碳钢材之开发」,2000年中国矿冶工程学会年会,花莲。 |
J.K.Chen and W.T.Reynolds Jr., Effects of Alloying Elements upon Austenite Decomposition in High Strength Low Alloy Steels, 1993 Materials Week, Pittsburgh, PA.
陈贞光,李至隆,「碳锰钢碳氮内耗峰之分解」,1998年中华民国材料科学年会,台北。 |
J.M. Barrie: You find a glimmer of happiness in this world, there's always someone who wants to destroy it.
当你在这世上找到转瞬即逝的快乐时,总有人想来破坏它。 |
J.M. Barrie: Young boys should never be sent to bed... they always wake up a day older.
永远不该让男孩子们去睡觉……他们醒来的时候又老了一天。 |
J.M. Song, T.S. Lui, L.H. Chan and D.Y. Tsai, “Resonant Vibration Behavior of Lead-Free Solders”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 32, No. 12, pp. 1501-1508, 2003.
庄强名,「无铅化共晶焊锡合金之振动破坏特性研究」,国立成功大学材料科学及工程学系,博士论文,民国90年。 |
J.Pedlosky: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Springer-verlag, 1981.
余志豪等:地球物理流体动力学。气象出版社,1995。 |
J.R. Marti, Ferroresonance in power systems: fundamental solutions,IEE Proceedings-C, Vol. 138, No. 4, July 1991.
李廷祥教授讲稿,超高压电力系统之铁磁共振问题、影响与解决方式,中华民国90年9月. |
J.V.: Before composing for anime, you composed for small budget advertisements and video games.
在为动画作曲之前,你为小预算的广告及电子游戏配乐。 |
J.V.: There are very few self-educated pianists.
自学成才的钢琴家是很少的。 |
J.V.: You often work with foreign philharmonic orchestras, whereas composers like Kawai or Hisaishi dread it. Why?
你经常与国外的爱乐乐团合作,而像川井宪次或久石让却很怕这样做。为什么? |
J.V.: Your style is extremely eclectic. Have you a favourite music style, like baroquefor example?
你的风格极其兼容并蓄。你有没有最喜欢的音乐类型呢?比如巴洛克音乐? |