Marlon Brando, the star of On the Waterfront, the Godfather and Apocalypse Now, died at the age of 80 after suffering for a year with heart problems.
7月,美国影星马龙-白兰度因心脏病去世,享年80岁。白兰度曾凭借在《崖上风云》、《教父》、《现代启示录》等影片中的出色表演而成为名噪一时的好莱坞巨星。 |
Marlowe in a bookstore: You do sell books, hmm?
马洛在一个书店里:你们有卖书吧? |
Marlowe making a prank call: What can I do for you? I can do what? Where? Oh, no, I wouldn't like that. Neither would my daughter.
马洛开玩笑地扮演接电话:我能为你效劳么?我能做什么?在哪?哦,不,我可不像那样。我的女儿也不会愿意的。 |
Marlowe was contemporary with Shakespeare.
马洛与莎士比亚是同时代的。 |
Marlowe: How'd you happen to pick out this place?
马洛:你怎么刚巧在这个地方? |
Marlowe: I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like 'em myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them long winter evenings.
马洛:你喜不喜欢我的态度我无所谓。我自己是不喜欢。它们很糟糕。我常常在漫长的冬夜为他们默哀。 |
Marlowe: Oh, that can be arranged.
马洛:哦,这事可以安排。 |
Marlowe: Oh, that's too bad. You got a better one?
马洛:哦,真糟糕。你有一个更好的么? |
Marlowe: Oh, you wouldn't like it. The pay's too small.
马洛:哦,你不会喜欢这样干的。我干的事薪水太少了。 |
Marlowe: She tried to sit in my lap while I was standing up.
马洛:她想坐在我的大腿上,那时我正站着。 |
Marlowe: Uh-huh. I usually get away with it too.
马洛:恩哼。我也常常因此侥幸没有被逮住。 |