It is the biggest cruiser ever built for the Royal Navy.
它是皇家海军迄今为止建造的最大的一艘巡洋舰。 |
It is the birthplace of China's dry red wine.
中国的第一瓶干红葡萄酒便诞生在这里。 |
It is the blastocyst destruction in this process that ideologues perceive as morally reprehensible.
理论家们觉得这一过程中的胚泡破坏应该受到道德上的谴责。 |
It is the book seeing JiMi first here, the autograph album of Snoopy, the poster by a wide margin of Cobain Kurt, the book Norwegian forestnot read after only buying comes from here too.
是在这里最早看到几米的书,史努比的纪念册,科本的大幅海报,唯一买后没有读过的书《挪威的森林》也是出自这里。 |
It is the bounden duty of the Chinese Communists to end the state of separation between Taiwan and China's mainland and achieve the complete reunification of China.
结束祖国大陆同台湾分离的局面,实现祖国的完全统一,是中国共产党义不容辞的使命。 |
It is the breeder's responsibility to provide a safe, warm, dry place for the puppies and proper food and water for the dam.
但在一些特殊的情况下,例如母犬没有奶水或者小狗出生后母犬就死掉了,这时,主人就需要负责为幼犬提供一个安全、温暖、干燥的场所以及水和食物。 |
It is the bridge of a product platform and the platform products, and the solidified carrier of core competitive competence of a firm and the concrete exhibition of its business platform's value.
核心产品是产品平台与平台产品的桥梁,是企业核心竞争能力的固化载体和商业平台价值的具体展现。 |
It is the brokers that finds jobs for its citizens which in return fills up the government's coffers with its own fees and the remittances that the migrants send back home helps prop up the Philippine economy.
这些仲介业者们帮助了菲国公民找到了工作,这些出国工作的人所缴交的费用充实了菲国国库,所汇进的款项支撑了菲国的经济。 |
It is the build code for the Systems Architecture being constructed to satisfy Operational Architecture requirements.
其也是为了系统架构能够被构建来满足操作架构的需求而构建的代码。 |
It is the building block of human brain tissue and is particularly abundant in the grey matter of the brain and retina.
它是构建人的脑组织的重要原料,大量存在于大脑灰质和视网膜中。 |
It is the by-product of the Pentaerythritol plant. Its quality is higher than Chinese national standard.
甲酸钠产品是我公司在生产季戊四醇产品时的副产品,年生产7100吨。主要用于生产甲酸、保险粉等。产品质量优于国家标准。 |