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Arginine at doses of up to 3 grams three times daily has beneficial effects on cardiac blood vessel reactivity.

Argentine football has hardly enjoyed him for three years. 他已经有三年的时间没有享受到阿根廷足球的乐趣了。
Argentinian striker Roberto Sosa scored Udinese's wi er. 阿根廷射手苏沙为乌甸尼斯射入致胜一球。
Argentinian striker Roberto Sosa scored Udinese's winner. 阿根廷射手苏沙为乌甸尼斯射入致胜一球。
Argentinian writer particularly known for his short stories, which have a metaphysical, fantastic quality. 博格斯,若热·路易斯1899-1986阿根廷作家,以其深奥和富于想象力的短篇小说而尤为著名
Arginine An AMINO ACID found especially in the histone proteins that surround DNA in chromosomes. 精氨酸:在染色体中与DNA非特异性结合的组蛋白中发现的一种氨基酸。
Arginine at doses of up to 3 grams three times daily has beneficial effects on cardiac blood vessel reactivity. 每天服用3次精氨酸,每次3克,对提高心血管弹性有很好的效果。
Argiope has the typical circular vertical web, with some broad white zig-zag stitching forming a stabilimentum on which the spiders rests, head down. 这类蛛常织圆形垂直网,在中心附近会有明显粗大的支持带,形成一个大交叉。而牠休息时,姿态亦像十字一样,十分有趣。
Argon serves as a shielding gas to protect metals from oxidation during welding. Inert gas welding is the preferred method of joining several ferrous and nonferrous alloys. 焊接中,氩作为保护气防止金属氧化。惰性气体焊接是连接几种含铁和不含铁的合金的首选方法。
Argon-blown pocket block and pocket block should be selected rationally in light of the metallurgical technology and service life of steel ladle. 吹氩座砖和水口座砖应根据冶炼工艺情况及钢包使用寿命的不同进行合理选择。
Argon-blown pocket block is a supportive new and hi-tech product developed simultaneously with bottom-blow argon vent brick. 二、吹氩座砖是与底吹氩透气砖同步开发的配套高新技术产品。
Argot renewal on same term rest since our current sale max cannot increase as competition keener here. 希望以相同条件签约,因此地竞争激烈,本公司目前无法提高销售极限。

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