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I got home, feeling very tired.

I got hold of it in both hands and lifted onto the table. 我两手抓住它,把它举到了桌子上。
I got hold of the sack and lifted it. 我抓住包,把它举了起来。
I got hollered at for not doing my homework. 我因为没做功课而被责骂。
I got home and right off the bat my mom told me to cook dinner. 我才一回到家,妈妈就叫我准备做晚饭。
I got home later that day and checked the mail - No registrations! 我回到家继续不断的检查邮箱,然而却依然没有订单。
I got home, feeling very tired. 我到了家,感觉非常疲劳。
I got in a taxi and rushed to the company. 我搭了一辆计程车赶往公司。
I got in an awful fluster at some traffic lights, so I failed my driving test. 我给一些交通信号弄得忙乱紧张,因此未能通过驾驶考试。
I got in an hour's gardening between the showers. 阵雨间歇时我抽空整理了一小时花园.
I got in and went straight to the stage to setup. 我直接进入台上调试机器。
I got in late and was shown to my room on the ground floor by an apologetic night-clerk with a tallow candle, which he considerately left with me. 我住进去时已经很晚了,一个谦卑的夜班管理员拿着一支牛油蜡烛领我看了我在一楼的房间,随后他体贴地把那蜡烛留给了我。

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